Baking Instructions for QS120F

Product code: QS120F
Product description: Fluted Savoury Shells 120mm
Quantity: 48

Approximate raw pastry shell measurements

Product thawing

Place the pastry shells on bench/ baking tray to thaw to room temperature - approximately 30 minutes.

Oven temperature

Pre-heat fan forced oven to 170°C.

Fill temperature

Ensure your fill mixture is at room temperature.

Baking time

For baking shells with raw fills:

  • Place raw fill into thawed raw shells - take care not to over fill the shells or allow any fill in between the pastry and the foil, as this will cause the pastry to stick to the foil and will prevent the pastry from baking evenly.
  • Bake in pre-heated 170°C oven (depending on your filling) and bake for approximately 18-20 minutes.

Did you know?

Ready Bake has a wide variety of Savoury Shortcrust Pastry Shells ranging from 50mm square to 120mm fluted.

Please note, all oven temperatures and baking times are a guide only.

For additional support or advice please contact the Ready Bake team on 1800 651 044 or email